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participation to EduCode

Dear all,

As I wrote earlier before Fosdem, EduCode will be an international conference, supported by Belgian authorities as well as by Unesco about digital competencies and education. The public if the education community at large : the students, the teachers, the parents, the administrations, the politician decision makers.

The idea is that EduCode be somehow a RMLL (or Rencontres mondiales du logiciel libre) dedicated to Education. It will be in the very center of Brussels.

It will be dedicated to free software and open content *ONLY*.

The goald if to inform (Monday 27 August in the nicest and large, classical concert room Henri Leboeuf of Bozar), then train (Tuesday 28 August, during about 60 workshops for 500 teachers) and then reflect on the challenges of digital competencies (Wednesday 29 at the Royal académy)

See http://educode.be (soon the website should be in English if we have enough help after the translations to Flemish and Spanish; the website uses lektor see http://getlektor.com and is developped openly in https://github.com/EduCodeBe/educode.be)

On Monday 27, there will be a large exhibition where any group (motsly NGO) who proposes activities related to digital activities in schools is invited . KDEEDU will participate. I hereby invite DebianEdu to be represented (the cost is 0 to hold a booth for those who are non commercial)

On Tuesday 28, you are welcome to propose trainings/workshops.

With the help of Oxfam we want to propose "classroom setups" containing a server equipped with DebianEdu and light of heavy diskless clients, 30 clients + community support and commercial support by the companies who would provide such support.

In the hope to meet many of you,


Nicolas Pettiaux, phd - nicolas@pettiaux.be
Educode.be - informer, former et réfléchir aux défis du numérique à l'école
Bruxelles - Bozar, HE2B-ESI et Académie royale - 27,28,29 août 2018

«Apprendre aux élèves à utiliser les produits privateurs de Microsoft, Facebook, Google ou Oracle, c'est comme leur apprendre à fumer. C'est leur donner une habitude coûteuse, dangereuse et dont ils se déferont difficilement.» Richard Stallman

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