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Bug#893394: debian-edu-install: FQDN wrongly ends up in /etc/hostname on tjener


>Why do you believe this to be true?  The /etc/hostname in Skolelinux /
>Debian Edu is intentionally FQDN.  Personally, based on many years of
>large scale *nix system administration, I believe it is the only
>sensible thing to store there.
>In short, it is no mistake the FQDN is stored there.

Depends how you define "mistake".

You are right for pretty much everything except Debian. Debian has always had the short name in there, c.f. https://manpages.debian.org/stretch/hostname/hostname.1.en.html

This also states that "most software can cope" with an FQDN there, but primarily it documents that the short name is the right thing to put there. We should work with documented behaviour rather than a hope involving the terms "most" and "cope with" rather than "all" and "expect".


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