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Re: Mirror problem (Was: nice make -s -C $HOME/src/debian-edu/src/build/CD-administrator check-and-build | tee $HOME/cd-build.log)

[Wolfgang Schweer]
> This seems to cause the ISO build failure. The mentioned dir/file is 
> present on stock mirrors, though.

Thank you for investigating.

> IIRC the skolelinux.no mirror has been stripped down some time ago due 
> to disk space problems. Seems to be possible that now this 'ceph' stuff 
> is needed (as opposed to some time ago).

Right.  I used ssh builder@ftp.skolelinux.org and edited
~/etc/ftpsync.conf to allow ceph to be mirrored again.  There seem to be
40 GiB free space on /skolelinux/administrator/debmirror/ now, so I
guess it is ok.

I next ran 'sh ~pere/find-largest-unused-pool' to check where most of
the mirror space is spent among the packages not used during build.  It
is useful to run the next time we run out of space.

Anyone with their ssh keys in builder@ftp:.ssh/authorized_keys can
update this.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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