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Bug#841184: marked as done (debian-edu: mplayer2 has gone away)

Your message dated Wed, 19 Oct 2016 11:25:15 +0000
with message-id <E1bwozj-0007SP-KM@franck.debian.org>
and subject line Bug#841184: fixed in debian-edu 1.911
has caused the Debian Bug report #841184,
regarding debian-edu: mplayer2 has gone away
to be marked as done.

This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what this
message is talking about, this may indicate a serious mail system
misconfiguration somewhere. Please contact owner@bugs.debian.org

841184: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=841184
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner@bugs.debian.org with problems
--- Begin Message ---
Source: debian-edu
Version: 1.910
Severity: minor


mplayer2 no longer exists in stretch, please can you remove it from the
recommended packages.


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Source: debian-edu
Source-Version: 1.911

We believe that the bug you reported is fixed in the latest version of
debian-edu, which is due to be installed in the Debian FTP archive.

A summary of the changes between this version and the previous one is

Thank you for reporting the bug, which will now be closed.  If you
have further comments please address them to 841184@bugs.debian.org,
and the maintainer will reopen the bug report if appropriate.

Debian distribution maintenance software
Holger Levsen <holger@debian.org> (supplier of updated debian-edu package)

(This message was generated automatically at their request; if you
believe that there is a problem with it please contact the archive
administrators by mailing ftpmaster@ftp-master.debian.org)

Hash: SHA512

Format: 1.8
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2016 12:53:07 +0200
Source: debian-edu
Binary: education-tasks education-menus education-astronomy education-chemistry education-common education-desktop-gnome education-desktop-kde education-desktop-lxde education-desktop-mate education-desktop-other education-desktop-xfce education-development education-electronics education-geography education-graphics education-lang-da education-lang-da-desktop education-lang-da-desktop-kde education-lang-de education-lang-de-desktop education-lang-de-desktop-kde education-lang-es education-lang-es-desktop education-lang-es-desktop-kde education-lang-fr education-lang-fr-desktop education-lang-fr-desktop-kde education-lang-he education-lang-he-desktop education-lang-he-desktop-kde education-lang-it education-lang-it-desktop education-lang-it-desktop-kde education-lang-ja education-lang-ja-desktop education-lang-ja-desktop-kde education-lang-no education-lang-no-desktop education-lang-no-desktop-kde education-lang-se education-lang-zh-tw education-lang-zh-tw-desktop
 education-lang-zh-tw-desktop-kde education-language education-laptop education-logic-games education-main-server education-mathematics education-misc education-music education-networked education-networked-common education-physics education-roaming-workstation education-services education-standalone education-thin-client education-thin-client-server
Architecture: source
Version: 1.911
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Debian Edu Developers <debian-edu@lists.debian.org>
Changed-By: Holger Levsen <holger@debian.org>
 education-astronomy - Debian Edu astronomy related applications
 education-chemistry - Debian Edu chemistry related applications
 education-common - Debian Edu common packages
 education-desktop-gnome - Debian Edu GNOME desktop applications
 education-desktop-kde - Debian Edu KDE desktop applications
 education-desktop-lxde - Debian Edu LXDE desktop applications
 education-desktop-mate - Debian Edu MATE desktop applications
 education-desktop-other - Debian Edu non-GNOME- and non-KDE-specific desktop applications
 education-desktop-xfce - Debian Edu Xfce desktop applications
 education-development - Debian Edu software development related educational applications
 education-electronics - Debian Edu electronics related applications
 education-geography - Debian Edu applications for geography
 education-graphics - Debian Edu graphics related applications
 education-lang-da - Debian Edu applications for Danish installs
 education-lang-da-desktop - Debian Edu Desktop applications for Danish installs
 education-lang-da-desktop-kde - Danish Debian Edu KDE desktop applications
 education-lang-de - Debian Edu applications for German installs
 education-lang-de-desktop - Debian Edu Desktop applications for German installs
 education-lang-de-desktop-kde - German Debian Edu KDE desktop applications
 education-lang-es - Debian Edu applications for Spanish installs
 education-lang-es-desktop - Debian Edu Desktop applications for Spanish installs
 education-lang-es-desktop-kde - Spanish Debian Edu KDE desktop applications
 education-lang-fr - Debian Edu applications for French installs
 education-lang-fr-desktop - Debian Edu Desktop applications for French installs
 education-lang-fr-desktop-kde - French Debian Edu KDE desktop applications
 education-lang-he - Debian Edu applications for Hebrew installs
 education-lang-he-desktop - Debian Edu Desktop applications for Hebrew installs
 education-lang-he-desktop-kde - Hebrew Debian Edu KDE desktop applications
 education-lang-it - Debian Edu applications for Italian installs
 education-lang-it-desktop - Debian Edu Desktop applications for Italian installs
 education-lang-it-desktop-kde - Italian Debian Edu KDE desktop applications
 education-lang-ja - Debian Edu applications for Japanese installs
 education-lang-ja-desktop - Debian Edu Desktop applications for Japanese installs
 education-lang-ja-desktop-kde - Japanese Debian Edu KDE desktop applications
 education-lang-no - Debian Edu applications for Norwegian installs
 education-lang-no-desktop - Debian Edu Desktop applications for Norwegian installs
 education-lang-no-desktop-kde - Norwegian (Bokmaal and Nynorsk) Debian Edu KDE desktop applicatio
 education-lang-se - Debian Edu applications for North Sami installs
 education-lang-zh-tw - Debian Edu applications for Traditional Chinese installs
 education-lang-zh-tw-desktop - Debian Edu Desktop applications for Traditional Chinese installs
 education-lang-zh-tw-desktop-kde - Traditional Chinese Debian Edu KDE desktop applications
 education-language - Debian Edu language related educational applications
 education-laptop - Debian Edu laptop packages
 education-logic-games - Debian Edu logic games
 education-main-server - Debian Edu main server packages
 education-mathematics - Debian Edu mathematical applications
 education-menus - Debian Edu menu reorganization
 education-misc - Debian Edu miscellaneous applications for education
 education-music - Debian Edu music and sound applications
 education-networked - Debian Edu network packages
 education-networked-common - Debian Edu common networking packages
 education-physics - Debian Edu physics related applications
 education-roaming-workstation - Debian Edu networked roaming workstation packages
 education-services - Debian Edu services for educational institutions
 education-standalone - Debian Edu standalone workstation packages
 education-tasks - Debian Edu tasks for tasksel
 education-thin-client - Debian Edu networked thin client packages
 education-thin-client-server - Debian Edu networked thin client server packages
 education-workstation - Debian Edu networked workstation packages
Closes: 841184
 debian-edu (1.911) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Turn education-tasks into an arch:all package. Since at least wheezy the
     education-tasks packages contents was bit by bit identical, and the
     metadata only differed in the Architecure: field. (Packages checked were
     1.910 from sid and 1.812+deb8u1 and 1.713+deb7u1.)
   * tasks/desktop-(gnome|kde|mate|lxde): change depends on mplayer2 with
     ones on mplayer. Thanks James Cowgill for notifying us! (Closes: #841184)
   * tasks/desktop-lxde: Recommend hexchat instead of dead xchat.
   * tasks/common:
     - remove depends on cpufrequtils, the kernel now does this automatically
       and on demand by itself. linux-cpupower could be installed for manual
       inspections etc but bwh recommened against.
     - remove apmd from depends, it's long dead.
   * tasks/main-server: Remove cipux-rpcd.
 59f86e5a3975ca0a2ca32d21a8513f6d102bbeda 6683 debian-edu_1.911.dsc
 fb9591fe87a8d93a2321801e6372faefd1ac9fc9 107240 debian-edu_1.911.tar.xz
 99736c1cfcd317f6cf19c87b1f8f5ea87f0b41104251e56c0509a339a5a0b556 6683 debian-edu_1.911.dsc
 e3e4bb6caf3d129a7a23c6ca876a8a4de181e694cf54136e0c7a8acb50807966 107240 debian-edu_1.911.tar.xz
 200ae8a05e599746f3c92c0f225a2c28 6683 misc extra debian-edu_1.911.dsc
 86c6d7794cb1d8cb63aeed6655b4ae8c 107240 misc extra debian-edu_1.911.tar.xz

Version: GnuPG v1


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