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Re: Bug#833421: jessie-pu: debian-edu-config/1.818+deb8u2]

On Tue, Aug 09, 2016 at 12:07:22PM +0000, Holger Levsen wrote:
> many thanks, the individual commits and the overall changes look good to me
> now. many thanks also for including the commit-ids from where the commits
> where picked from!

while this is still true, the branch still doesnt merge cleanly:

matrix:~/Projects/debian-edu/git/debian-edu-config$ git status
On branch jessie
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/jessie'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
matrix:~/Projects/debian-edu/git/debian-edu-config$ git branch jenkins-proposed
matrix:~/Projects/debian-edu/git/debian-edu-config$ git checkout jenkins-proposed
Switched to branch 'jenkins-proposed'
matrix:~/Projects/debian-edu/git/debian-edu-config$ git merge origin/schweer-foo 
Auto-merging debian/debian-edu-config.preinst
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in debian/debian-edu-config.preinst
Auto-merging debian/debian-edu-config.postinst
Auto-merging debian/changelog
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
matrix:~/Projects/debian-edu/git/debian-edu-config$ git status
On branch jenkins-proposed
You have unmerged paths.
  (fix conflicts and run "git commit")

Changes to be committed:

        modified:   Makefile
        modified:   cf/cf.firefox-esr
        modified:   debian/changelog
        modified:   debian/debian-edu-config.postinst
        renamed:    share/firefox-esr/browser/defaults/preferences/debian-edu.js -> etc/firefox-esr/debian-edu.js
        modified:   sbin/snakeoil-on-ice
        modified:   testsuite/ltsp
        modified:   testsuite/webserver

Unmerged paths:
  (use "git add <file>..." to mark resolution)

        both modified:   debian/debian-edu-config.preinst

matrix:~/Projects/debian-edu/git/debian-edu-config$ git merge --abort


matrix:~/Projects/debian-edu/git/debian-edu-config$ git log --oneline jenkins-proposed..origin/schweer-foo 
3810348 fix forgotten Makefile conflict issue.
4503c9b Adjust cf.krb5client to ensure that cfengine runs are idempotent. (Closes: #779642) - Patch taken from master branch from Wolfgang.
a55c29f Move code to cleanup /usr/share/pam-configs/krb5 diversion from postinst to preinst to ease upgrades from old wheezy installations. (Closes: #779641)
483b3fc Add changelog entries for the last firefox-esr related commits.
d2c3c14 Move debian-edu.js -> etc/firefox-esr/debian-edu.js as this is the location for syspref now.
ac970f8 Adjust cf.firefox-esr as the profile directory is no longer useful for the certificate override file.
0d7eec6 Adjust sbin/snakeoil-on-ice as only the /etc/skel location on the main server seems to be useful for the certificate override file.
45a0b74 Adjust testsuite/ltsp and testsuite/ltspwebserver as /etc/firefox-esr/cert_override.txt is no longer useful.
cc69366 moved icweasel/firefox cleanup code to postinst just in case firefox-esr and d-e-c are installed concurrently.
baf6e0e postinst: keep link removal; move all other iceweasel/firefox cleanups to postinst.
4ab81d0 apply patches from Wolfgang Schweer: Add code to cleanup iceweasel and firefox-esr related conffiles in postinst and preinst scripts.
matrix:~/Projects/debian-edu/git/debian-edu-config$ git cherry-pick 4ab81d0
error: could not apply 4ab81d0... apply patches from Wolfgang Schweer: Add code to cleanup iceweasel and firefox-esr related conffiles in postinst and preinst scripts.
hint: after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths
hint: with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'
hint: and commit the result with 'git commit'
matrix:~/Projects/debian-edu/git/debian-edu-config$ git status
On branch jenkins-proposed
You are currently cherry-picking commit 4ab81d0.
  (fix conflicts and run "git cherry-pick --continue")
  (use "git cherry-pick --abort" to cancel the cherry-pick operation)

Changes to be committed:

        modified:   debian/debian-edu-config.postinst

Unmerged paths:
  (use "git add <file>..." to mark resolution)

        both modified:   debian/changelog
        both modified:   debian/debian-edu-config.preinst

I've now switched to using this new jessie-proposed branch, derived
from jessie 94ec61a and now I see another problem (which I think is a symptom
of more problems…) : schweer-foo has a commit 4503c9b which is repeating
94ec61a (=the last commit in jessie…) - this cannot work nor be right…

I'm also lost at what you ment, Wolfgang, could you please elaborate? 
(irc or here is fine, but I suppose irc might be better ;)


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