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Re: posted about a dozen and half simple bugs from the astronomy and mathematics tasks.

Hi shirish,

On Mittwoch, 8. April 2015, shirish शिरीष wrote:
> Forgot to ask to people to CC me. @Holger read your answer to mine at
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-edu/2015/04/msg00028.html .

ah, sorry, I thought you were subscribed.
> Can you share what the usertag you want me to file for Debian-edu ?
> From https://www.debian.org/Bugs/server-request#usertag
> Could you share an e.g. of the usertag for say bug number 12345
> (obviously a fictious bug number).

send a mail to control@bugs.debian.org with the following mail body

user debian-edu@lists.debian.org
usertag 123456 + debian-edu
usertag 123457 + debian-edu

This will add debian-edu usertags to the bugs 123456 and 123457.


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