problem creating users from csv
Last week was the first schoolweek, and one of the things that went
wrong was the logins for the new children. They weren't created properly
from the csv file and I didn't have a clue why (still don't really).
The result was that the entries were created in the ldap database, but
no homedirs and no passwords were created.
Anyway, after studying the problem, it seems that the template user was
broken and had a fixed string in the POSIX homedir value.
Other stuff was also broken, I think. How can I best fix this?
The Teacher template looks in much better shape (that's how I figured
out how the new student template was broken). Can I copy the template
and modify it to fit a student profile?
I noticed the Copy/Cut operations exist, but I never found the Paste
entry anywhere... ;-) Does it exist?
I'm not looking forward to defining a new template by hand (I don't know
enough yet). And I wonder if the earlier logins were in a good enough
shape, what happens if I apply a template to an existing user? Is it safe?
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