Bug#780461: updates from #debian-systemd
On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 11:00:17PM +0200, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> Could this be caused by dhclient running at a point during boot where
> /etc/ is read-only, causing /usr/sbin/update-hostname-from-ip to exit
> with an error code instead of updating the hostname? It is my best
> guess for why the hostname update wait for the first renewal.
Seems to be /etc is writable at the time. Maybe the reason is that
'BOUND' isn't evaluated, only 'RENEWAL'?
> > (2) For Profiles 'Workstation' and 'Minimal' the hook script is working
> > like stated above.
> > But LTSP-Servers may have PROFILE="Workstation, Thin-Client-Server"
> > set in /etc/debian/edu/config. The hook script IMO fails to update
> > the hostname cause there's no matching case entry.
I guess I'll file a separate bug about this issue to get it sorted.
> Also, why is the sethostname() function in the
> dhclient-exit-hooks.d/hostname script? It seem to be completely
> unused. Remove it?
Yes, seems to be leftover cruft. And the log() function could be dropped
as well; logging is done via the update-hostname-from-ip script.
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