Desktop for elderly people (Was: showcasing debian-edu at debconf and desktop for elderly people.)
- To: debian-edu <>
- Subject: Desktop for elderly people (Was: showcasing debian-edu at debconf and desktop for elderly people.)
- From: Petter Reinholdtsen <>
- Date: Wed, 01 Apr 2015 21:28:09 +0200
- Message-id: <[🔎]>
- In-reply-to: <>
- References: <>
[shirish शिरीष]
> Hi all,
Hi. :)
> One more thing, over the last several days, months it somehow seems to
> me that the same desktop that we desire to have for young people have
> lot of similarity for elderly people as well. They also want
> clutter-free interfaces, fewer apps and bold and big type-faces as
> well as pretty iconography. I know that description sort of slants it
> between debian-jr and debian-edu and do know that with accessibility
> tools the above can be achieved to some extent. But that if the
> elderly people have had some prior human-computer interaction. If not,
> then s/he has the same issues as kids have when they see a digital UI
> for the first time.
It would be great with such reduced desctop option. Not only for
elderly people, but also for office use.
To do this, the debian-edu package will need some restructuring. I
would suggest to add a new tasksel test to select the wanted desktop
facet. The edu packages could be moved into separate tasks and only
installed when the edu facet is enabled.
I suspect this block in deskto-other is the part to drop for non-edu
Recommends: education-astronomy, education-chemistry, \
education-electronics, education-geography, \
education-graphics, education-language, \
education-logic-games, education-mathematics, \
education-music, education-physics, education-misc
Why: Include all educational tasks proposed by Linex.
If you want to work on this, I can provide ideas and be a sparring
partner if you need someone to discuss this with. :)
Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen
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