Skolelinux + Owncloud 8.0 community
I would like to setup OwnCloud to make it available to teachers
(and maybe in a second step to pupils) and I'm triing to connect
the user accounting via LDAP. (Using the latest OwnCloud 8.0
since the older version in debian repo has the LDAP plugin
apparently broken)
Do I have to give a LDAP login account user/passwd (first user
in GOsa i guess) or would be sufficient to use anonymous LDAP search to
make possible an LDAP authentication?
Any experience out here?
Best regards
Giorgio Pioda - Sysadmin SPSE-Tenero
Cell +41 79 629 20 63
Tel +41 58 468 62 48
Fax +41 58 468 61 98
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