Package: debian-edu-config Version: 1.817 Severity: normal This is reported to keep track of the issue. Since the squeeze release (KDE4) the KDE kiosk setup changed and the concept of a plain desktop was dropped but d-e-c still ships files that were used to place icons on group specific desktops (KDE3), see share/debian-edu/*. Also, there is code in postinst (and postrm) related to files (like kderc) which are no longer used (as far as I know). Desktop profiles for root (no more gui login since squeeze) and group 'admins' (no default members as of squeeze) are defined and a 'root' related desktop, too. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but imo only stuff in 'config' (and maybe 'services') subdirs really is used (via package desktop-profiles). A look at the Makefile under 'KIOSKFILES' shows lots of *.desktop files unused since squeeze, I guess. Wolfgang
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