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How to test Debian Edu Jessie using the current ISO (recipe for workarounds)


The status of the Jessie system is tracked on
<URL: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Status/Jessie >, and there are
several fatal problems blocking testing.  But if you want to test
anyway, here is a recipe on how to get the installation limping along.

First, download the ISO
<URL: ftp://ftp.skolelinux.no/cd-edu-testing-nolocal-netinst/debian-edu-amd64-i386-NETINST-1.iso >
(or http, or rsync).  The ISO build is currently broken, so we do not
get a new ISO every 12 hours or so, but thankfully the ISO we got is
able to install.

When you get to the profile question, go to tty2 (Alt-Ctrl-F2), run

  nano /usr/bin/edu-eatmydata-install

and add 'exit 0' as the second line, disabling the eatmydata

When you get the grub question at the end, answer /dev/sda (or if this
do not work, figure out what your correct value would be.  All my
tests need /dev/sda, so I have no advice if it do not fit your need.

If you installed a profile including a graphical desktop, log in as
root after the initial boot from hard drive, and install the
education-desktop-XXX metapackage.  XXX can be kde, gnome, lxde, xfce
or mate.  If you want several desktop options, install more than one
metapackage.  Once this is done, reboot and you should have a working
graphical login screen.

I believe the ISO build will start working on two days when the new
tasksel package enter testing and Steve McIntyre get a chance to
update the debian-cd git repository.  The eatmydata, grub and desktop
issues are already fixed in unstable and testing, and should show up
on the ISO as soon as the ISO build start working again.

I hope this get you going with the installation testing, as we are
quickly running out of time trying to get our Jessie based
installation ready before the distribution freeze in a month.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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