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Re: Ready for Debian Edu Jessie alpha0 - release notes need to be finished

[Petter Reinholdtsen]
> The current ISO is working well, and we are ready to do the alpha0
> release.  But for that to happen, we need to write the release notes,
> copy the iso to a more permanent location and send out the
> announcemnt.  I can copy the ISO, but need help on the release notes.

The release notes available from
<URL: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/ReleaseNotes/Jessie > now look
like this, and I believe we are ready to announce the first alpha release.

   For English-only release announcements, the announcement mails go to...

   English-only -- To: debian-edu-announce (at) lists.debian.org,
   debian-edu (at) lists.debian.org, debian-publicity (at)
   lists.debian.org, debian-devel-announce (at) lists.debian.org,
   linuxiskolen (at) skolelinux.no, admin-discuss (at) skolelinux.org,
   user (at) skolelinux.de, bruker (at) skolelinux.no, debian-edu-french
   (at) lists.debian.org, styret (at) skolelinux.no, press (at)
   debian.org, distro (at) distrowatch.com

   For translated announcements, the translated announcement mails are
   sent to these recipients...

   English -- To: debian-edu-announce (at) lists.debian.org, debian-edu
   (at) lists.debian.org, debian-publicity (at) lists.debian.org,
   debian-devel-announce (at) lists.debian.org, admin-discuss (at)
   skolelinux.org, press (at) debian.org, distro (at) distrowatch.com

   Bokmal/Norway -- To: linuxiskolen (at) skolelinux.no, bruker (at)
   skolelinux.no, styret (at) skolelinux.no, annonsering (at) nuug.no,
   pressemelding (at) nuug.no

   German -- To: user (at) debian-edu-german (at) lists.debian.org

   French -- To: debian-edu-french (at) lists.debian.org

IN PREPARATION!!! Subject: First Jessie based Debian Edu version released

   The Debian Edu Team is pleased to announce the release of Debian Edu
   Jessie 8.0+edu0~alpha0

   Debian Edu is a complete operating system for schools. Through its
   various installation profiles you can install servers, workstations and
   laptops which will work together on the school network. With Debian
   Edu, the teachers themselves or their technical support can roll out a
   complete multi-user multi-machine study environment within hours or a
   few days. Debian Edu comes with hundreds of applications pre-installed,
   but you can always add more packages from Debian.

   For those who want to give Debian Edu Jessie a try, download and
   installation instructions are available, including detailed
   instructions in the manual explaining the first steps, such as setting
   up a network or adding users. Please note that the password for the
   user your prompted for during installation must have a length of at
   least 5 characters!

   Would you like to give your school's computer a longer life? Are you
   tired of sneaker administration, running from computer to computer
   reinstalling the operating system? Would you like to administrate all
   the computers in your school using only a couple of hours every week?
   Check out Debian Edu Jessie!

   Skolelinux is used by at least two hundred schools all over the world,
   mostly in Germany and Norway.

About Debian Edu and Skolelinux

   Debian Edu, also known as Skolelinux, is a Linux distribution based on
   Debian providing an out-of-the box environment of a completely
   configured school network. Immediately after installation a school
   server running all services needed for a school network is set up just
   waiting for users and machines being added via GOsa², a comfortable
   Web-UI. A netbooting environment is prepared using PXE, so after
   initial installation of the main server from CD or USB stick all other
   machines can be installed via the network. The provided school server
   provides LDAP database and Kerberos authentication service, centralized
   home directories, DHCP server, web proxy and many other services. The
   desktop contains more than 60 educational software packages and more
   are available from the Debian archive, and schools can choose between
   KDE, Gnome, LXDE, Xfce and MATE desktop environment.

Full release notes and manual

   Below the download URLs there is a list of some of the new features and
   bugfixes of Debian Edu 8.0+edu0~alpha0 Codename Jessie. The full list
   is part of the manual. (See the feature list in the manual for the
   English version.)

Where to get it

   To download the multiarch netinstall CD release (FIXME: XXX MiB) you
   can use
     * ftp://ftp.skolelinux.org/skolelinux-cd/debian-edu-8.0+edu0~alpha0-C
     * http://ftp.skolelinux.org/skolelinux-cd/debian-edu-8.0+edu0~alpha0-
     * rsync -avzP

   The SHA1SUM of this image is: FIXME:

New features for Debian Edu 8.0+edu0~alpha0 Codename Jessie released

Installation changes

     * PXE installation now install firmware automatically for the
       hardware present.

Software updates

   Everything which is new in Debian Jessie 8.0, eg:
     * Linux kernel 3.16.x
     * Desktop environments KDE "Plasma" 4.11.12, GNOME 3.14, Xfce 4.10,
       LXDE 0.5.6 and MATE 1.8 (KDE "Plasma" is installed by default; to
       choose one of the others see manual.)
     * the browsers Iceweasel 31 ESR and Chromium 38
     * LibreOffice 4.3.2
     * GOsa 2.7.4
     * LTSP 5.5.3
     * CUPS print system 1.7.5
     * new boot framework: systemd
     * Educational toolbox GCompris 14.07
     * Music creator Rosegarden 14.02
     * Image editor Gimp 2.8.14
     * Virtual stargazer Stellarium 0.13.0
     * golearn 0.9
     * tuxpain 0.9.22
     * New version of debian-installer from Debian Jessie.
     * Debian Jessie includes about 42000 packages available for
     * More information about Debian Jessie 8.0 is provided in the release
       notes and the installation manual.

Fixed bugs

     * Inserting incorrect DNS information in Gosa will no longer break
       DNS completely, but instead stop DNS updates until the incorrect
       information is corrected (710362)

Documentation and translation updates

     * The Debian Edu Jessie Manual is fully translated to German, French,
       Italian, Danish and Dutch. Partly translated versions exist for
       Norwegian Bokmal and Spanish.

Other changes

     * Due to new Squid settings, powering off or rebooting the main
       server takes more time.
     * To manage printers localhost:631 has to be used, www:631 doesn't
       work atm.

Regressions / known problems

     * Installing LTSP chroot fail with a bug related to eatmydata about
       exim4-config failing to run its postinst (see 765694 and 762103).
     * Munin collection is not properly configured on clients (764594).
       The fix is available in a newer version of munin-node.

How to report bugs


About Debian

   The Debian Project was founded in 1993 by Ian Murdock to be a truly
   free community project. Since then the project has grown to be one of
   the largest and most influential open source projects. Thousands of
   volunteers from all over the world work together to create and maintain
   Debian software. Available in 70 languages, and supporting a huge range
   of computer types, Debian calls itself the universal operating system.

   Contact Information For further information, please visit the Debian
   web pages at http://www.debian.org/ or send mail to press@debian.org.

I plan to copy the ISOs to the mentioned location and note the
checksum, and then send out the announcement this evening.  Please
update the release notes before that time if something should be

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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