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Re: [src:nagios3] Sourceless file (minified) (jquery)

[Holger Levsen]
> Hi,


> I'd rather suggest to use icinga, maybe even icinga2 for this.

I would love Debian Edu to switch to icinga, but unless someone show up
to do that work, I suspect it is less work for us to get replace the
minified files with symlinks in nagios3 and keep using nagios.  And
given that such fix is within scope for us, I believe we should move in
that direction first.

Any volunteers to switch to icinga?  Might not be a lot of work, as it
is supposed to be compatible with the configuration for nagios3, thus we
should be able to keep sitesummary like it is and switch back and forth
- maybe. :)

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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