2014-04-02 17:37 GMT+08:00 Mike Gabriel <
> Hi Franklin,
>> Could you please tell me more about "read-ahead"? I added a script
>> reading all the .desktop and .directory files after logging into KDE.
>> I put it in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/98read-ahead, using a nested for loop
>> to read all desktop files under /usr/share/applications. (cat
>> /usr/share/applications/kde4/dolphin.desktop > /dev/null 2>&1)
>> However this morning the teacher told me that the speed showing the
>> menu items was still the same.
> I have never used read-ahead myself and I am not at all sure how menu
> rendering works. Did you get a change to look at Petter's kde icon cache
> package?
Yes, it works.