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Use the same display manager for all desktop options?

Debian Edu handle four different desktop options at the moment.  KDE,
Gnome, LXDE and XFCE.  These pull in different display managers, but I
suspect we would be better off by not doing so.  This is the current

 desktop   d-m      Comment
 KDE       kdm      with our artwork, with adjusted configuration
 Gnome     gdm3     without our artwork, support speech for blind
 LXDE      lightdm  without our artwork
 XFCE      lightdm  without our artwork

I am not sure, but I believe gdm handle PAM better than kdm (as in
handle expired password properly).  No idea about lightdm in this

Because we have limited man-hour to spend configuring the display
managers, I suspect we would be better off by focusing on one of these,
and drop the rest.  I would pick gdm3 as the default, fix the artwork
and get support for the blind included.  The downside could be slightly
higher disk and memory usage (and possibly more space spent on the DVD,
but reducing the number of display managers might compensate).

Any comments or objections?

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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