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Bug#723143: debian-edu-doc: should provide images downscaled to max width 800

Control: tags -1 confirmed

Hi Wolfgang,

On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 10:18:58PM +0200, Wolfgang Schweer wrote:
> on the wiki the images are forced to a maximum width of 800. The HTML
> manual version contains images with a width far beyond that size.
> To be able to ship the images in d-e-doc with a max width of 800 too,
> the attached patch could be applied.

Thanks for your feedback and for your patch. As agreed on IRC with you
and Holger, we’ll look at including such a change in the Jessie branch
instead of introducing a build change a few days before we release

> +			  for i in $$LANGPATH/images/*.png ; do \
> +				if [ -f $$i ] ; then \
> +					convert $$i -resize 800\> $$i ; \
> +				fi ; \
> +			  done ; \

Instead of degrading the image quality while resizing it directly, I’d
prefer to just display it with a reduced size, as done in the wiki
(<img  […] width="800">). I don’t know yet how to introduce that with
our DocBook sources, but we’ll see.

> +	cd $(DESTDIR)/debian-edu-doc-en/$(DESTPATH)/debian-edu-doc-en ; \
> +			  for i in images/*.png ; do \
> +				convert $$i -resize 800\> $$i ; \
> +			  done ; \

That should not be needed: we already take care of the images size of
the PDF in documentation/common/pdf.xsl:

<xsl:param name="imagedata.default.scale">maxwidth=15.5cm,maxheight=12cm</xsl:param>



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