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Debian Edu manual (HTML)


on the wiki the images are forced to a maximum width of 800. The HTML 
manual version contains images with a width far beyond that size. 

To be able to ship the images in d-e-doc with a max width of 800 too, 
the attached patch could be applied. Could someone please check and test 
the code? (It works for me, but the code could be smarter, I guess.)


diff --git a/documentation/common/Makefile.common b/documentation/common/Makefile.common
index 99d6ff2..ad53196 100644
--- a/documentation/common/Makefile.common
+++ b/documentation/common/Makefile.common
@@ -100,10 +100,19 @@ install: build
 				sed -i s/\.png"/.pdf"/g $(name).$$f.xml ; \
 			  mv images images_tmp_away ; $(DBLATEX) -I $$LANGPATH/ -I $(DESTDIR)/debian-edu-doc-en/$(DESTPATH)/debian-edu-doc-en/ -o $$LANGPATH/$(name).pdf $(name).$$f.xml --param=lingua=$$f ; mv images_tmp_away images ; \
 			  rm $$LANGPATH/images/*.pdf ; \
+			  for i in $$LANGPATH/images/*.png ; do \
+				if [ -f $$i ] ; then \
+					convert $$i -resize 800\> $$i ; \
+				fi ; \
+			  done ; \
 			fi ; \
 		fi ; \
 	rm $(DESTDIR)/debian-edu-doc-en/$(DESTPATH)/debian-edu-doc-en/images/*.pdf ; \
+	cd $(DESTDIR)/debian-edu-doc-en/$(DESTPATH)/debian-edu-doc-en ; \
+			  for i in images/*.png ; do \
+				convert $$i -resize 800\> $$i ; \
+			  done ; \
 	rm -f *.pdf images/*.pdf images/*/*.pdf

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