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First working jessie CD build available for testing

I spent a few minutes today to look at why the testing/jessie CD build
fail (well, not fail to build, but fail to create installable ISOs).

The first blocking problem was that the CD build rules now use xorriso,
and the version available on administrator.skolelinux.no (Squeeze) was
too old.  I upgraded xorriso to the version in Wheezy, and this got the
resulting CD booting.

The second blocking problem was that the default boot images (the d-i
daily build) did not find any kernel module udebs, and thus the
installer failed completely.  Tried to work around it by using the
Squeeze boot images instead, but there debootstrap did not understand
'jessie' as a target, and the installation crashed when I added it
manually.  Instead I tried to keep the daily built images and use udebs
from unstable/sid.  This seem to work.

This we now have a Jessie ISO that can be used for testing.  Available
via http, ftp and rsync:

  rsync ftp.skolelinux.org::cd-edu-testing-nolocal-netinst/

Have fun. :)

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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