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Re: Reduce the server load by asking firefox to not cache on disk

[Nigel Barker]
> I agree. I have been using the following on plain debian
> workstations integrated into the SL network.
> http://bootpolish.net/home_ltsp_ltspiceweaselhacks

Thanks.  These seem to be the relevant ones we should consider using
in Debian Edu:

  lockPref("extensions.update.enabled", true);
  // Use LANG environment variable to choose locale
  lockPref("intl.locale.matchOS", true);
  // Disable default browser checking.
  lockPref("browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser", false);
  // ========= LTSP SPECIFIC HACKS ========
  // Disable annoying location-bar suggestion "feature" that is sludgy
  // with thin-clients
  lockPref("browser.urlbar.maxRichResults", 0);
  // ========= MISC HACKS ==========
  lockPref("app.update.enabled", false);

There is no explanation for extensions.update.enabled and
app.update.enabled.  Can you provide more background info?

> However, I thought they were already implemented on real skolelinux
> installs. At least they were on Lenny, I think..

I checked, and the browser.cache.disk.enable value was already set to
false, disabling the disk cache.  I added the ones to enable the
memory cache and disable the offline cache.

Is there no way to enable the MOZ_DISABLE_IMAGE_OPTIMIZE=1 setting
using preferences?

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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