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please test debian-edu 6.0.7+r1 images


according to our plan, debian-edu 6.0.7+r1 shall be released tomorrow. And 
actually, the images are available already:



1fe79eb4f0f9ae1c58fc318e26cc1e2e  debian-edu-6.0.7+r1-CD.iso
a6ddd924a8bd9a1b5ca122e8fe1c34ec  debian-edu-6.0.7+r1-DVD.iso
ac6c72cd7925ccec51bfbf58e2a7c69c  debian-edu-6.0.7+r1-source-DVD.iso
a4b58233b672a99c7df8dc24fb6de3327654a5c3  debian-edu-6.0.7+r1-CD.iso
9b524915e0ff2aa793f13d93123e5bd2bab2dbaa  debian-edu-6.0.7+r1-DVD.iso
43997614893fc5e9e59ad6ce066b05d07fd836fa  debian-edu-6.0.7+r1-source-DVD.iso

Please test these images as much as you can (the changes should be tiny  -> 
close to none, but one can never be sure without testing), so, 

	please test these images!
	and report back!

	thank you!

(either irc or this list)

For a more complete list of the changes between Debian Edu 6.0.4+r0 and Debian 
Edu 6.0.7+r1 please see 
http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Documentation/Squeeze/Features - my plan is 
to basically send out this list as the verbose 6.0.7+r1 announcement - if you 
can do better, please speak up now and by all means, do. 
(But the announcement shall be send out no later than this coming Monday.)


P.S.: the old 6.0.4+r0 edu squeeze images are still available: 

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