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Re: getting wheezy and git going (and keeping svn for squeeze)

Hi Holger,

On So 10 Jun 2012 14:21:55 CEST Holger Levsen wrote:

I plan to upload debian-edu-config, with a version number of 1.700 and with
the debian-edu-config-gosa-netgroups package removed, to sid today, maintained
in a wheezy branch in svn(!), as I don't have time to create proper git repos
today, and instead of doing this half-way I rather continue to use svn for a
few more days.


My plan for a proper svn2git migration consists of (at first) creating git
repos (with history from svn) for all current packages from
http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/debian-edu/trunk/src/ and track the migration
of the rest (CD build, website, what else) via a wiki page... how does that

Very good! I have just created the first draft of a Git HowTo in the DebianEdu Wiki:

In the long run we probably need a several-pages-Git-howto and the above link will simply be the start page of the howto.

And for squeeze support, I propose to continue using svn (trunk) just like we
used to do.

Yes, agreed here.

Does that sound like a reasonable plan?


I have also create this SVN-2-Git migration status page on the wiki and placed a package / SVN folder tracker there.



mike gabriel, rothenstein 5, 24214 neudorf-bornstein
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