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Re: What is wrong with the archive upload queue?

[Holger Levsen]
> uploaded packages where today included in the archive again, updating 
> http://ftp.skolelinux.org/skolelinux/squeeze_needs_love.html nicely.
> this still doesnt happen automatically by cron, we're investigating
> why at the moment. (but it can easily be manually triggered...)

I found the problem.  The Squeeze version of cron refuse to use files in
/etc/cron.d/ where the group have write access.  /etc/cron.d/dak gave
write access to the debadmin group, blocking it from being used by cron.

I've changed the mode to 644 and the group to root, and this seem to
solve the issue.

This change did not help before, as cron need a restart (or the file
need to be touched), for cron to notice the change.

Cron job are thus back on track.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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