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Re: Hay aquí alguien que hable español?

El mié, 20-07-2011 a las 10:07 +0200, Igor Zubiaurre escribió:
> Hi,
> I'm hereby translating BasaBuru's concerns, as I cannot answer them
> without further investigation, for which I don't have the time, right
> now:
> He's been reading the documentation on debian-edu and as far as he
> understands, it's the server that processes and exports the X-Windows.
> He asks if there's a possibility for the server to just store que
> users' /home and let the pupils' computers be the ones to perform the
> processing.
> He comments that currently the machines tend to be quite powerful,
> handling a wheezy without problems. Then mentions how most of them are
> 64 bit machines and highlights how a local spanish government is
> introducing core 2. Never the less he understands the global nature of
> the project and thus the need to focus on smaller i386 machines.
> Then he asks where to read more documentation on the issue. He has to
> set up a classroom and needs to locate the users' /home directories in
> the server, as it provides two advantages: allows them to log in at
> any terminal and backups get centralised.
> He thanks in advance for any help, and adds that the computers he'll
> use will be brand new and that the classroom's location is Elizondo
> Baztan, Navarre.

I'd recommend BasaBuru using laptops with roaming profiles under a
Debian Edu server. That's the solution we are using in Extremadura
(Spain) with everylaptop. Using a thin client or diskless solution has
no sense with laptops because students might take the laptops out of the
classroom, even to their homes.
Using a Debian Edu workstation with roaming profiles works perfectly.
We're using the ltsp server as an ltsp server where we have thin
clients, or like a dhcp/ nfs shares server in the classroom, but the
home of the users is in the laptop and the laptop does its own

Also, we are also using the ltsp server in these cases as an access
point replacing eth0 by wlan0, and thus, controlling who is connected
via wireless in every classroom.

Some people from the government of Navarra was visiting us a couple of
years ago and they saw most of these environments.

I hope this will help him.


> El 20 de julio de 2011 09:42, BasaBuru <basaburu@basatu.org> escribió:
>         On Miércoles, 20 de Julio de 2011 08:24:40 usted escribió:
>         Aupa
>         > Sip. Yo pispo.   -\:-)
>         Joder que suerte.
>         He estado leyendo un poco la docu de debian-edu y por lo que
>         entiendo el
>         server es el que procesa y exporta las X.
>         Existe la opción de que el server solo almacene la /home de
>         los usuarios y
>         sean los ordenadores de los alumnos los que procesen?.
>         En la actualidad las máquinas son muy potentes. Pueden mover
>         una wheezy sin
>         problemas. La mayoría son 64 bits.
>         Ya sabes ande o no ande caballo grande. Por ejemplo gobierno
>         vasco y de
>         navarra están metiendo core 2.
>         Entiendo que el proyecto es planetario y que por lo tanto se
>         debe centrar en
>         maquinas "pequeñas" i386.
>         Sabes donde puedo leer documentación sobre este tema. Tengo
>         que montar un aula
>         de formación. Y necesito meter las /home de los usuarios en el
>         server. Esto
>         tiene dos ventajas una los usuarios se logean en cualquier
>         máquina del aula y
>         dos las copias de seguridad están centralizadas.
>         Cualquier referencia que me puedas dar te lo agradecería. El
>         aula la montamos
>         con ordenadores nuevos en Elizondo Baztan Navarra.
>         Muchas gracias por tu atención.
>         Un saludo
>         BasaBuru

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