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Bug#630389: sitesummary-client: sitesummary client drops config snipplet in /etc/nagios/ but should use /etc/nagios/nrpe.d/

[Andreas B. Mundt]
> check_kernel_status fails with UNKNOWN.  This is not due to a newer
> kernel, the lenny stuff works for squeeze, and the script gives the
> correct answer when called on the command line.  Modifications in
> the script do not change the warning at all.

Right.  Same I have seen for a while.  The error show up for a while
after the first boot, and then disappears after some time without
anything being changed.  I have not been able to figure out why it
fail, but it is not related to moving any configuration.

> However, I don't know where the warning comes from in the first
> place.

Me neither.  I suspect some background job running after installation
is blocking something, and the check start working when this
background job is done.  But I have never been able to find such
job. :)

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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