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Bug#621800: LDAP cert must use FQDN (as in DNS)

Package: debian-edu-config
Version: 1.446~svn73153
Severity: minor
Tags: squeeze

Currently there occurs an error on testiuite/ldap-client when testing the TLS certificate. The problem is caused by a mismatch in certificate CN and hostname of the ldap server as in DNS/FQDN.
The hostname/FQDN in DNS (rev DNS resolve) must match the CN field.

For a default tjener setup (Main-Server) I thus recommend to default the certs CN to tjener.intern and add the LDAP aliases as subjectAltName fields.


mike gabriel, dorfstr. 27, 24245 barmissen
fon: +49 (4302) 281418, fax: +49 (4302) 281419

GnuPG Key ID 0xB588399B
mail: mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de, http://das-netzwerkteam.de


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