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RE: diskless workstations / setup

Hi all,

On Mi 30 Mär 2011 04:52:22 CEST Oded Naveh wrote:

Hello Mike,

I don't quite understand your questions,
it may be that I'm completely un-informed,
but it's possible the confusion isn't all mine.
So I'd try to explain what and why I don't understand.

My original question was: where are LTSP diskless workstations located in a default Skolelinux network? The short answer is: in the 10-network. But the handling and esp. the default settings are not clear to me. The documentation for squeeze is not available yet, so maybe someone who has worked on the LTSP setup can provide information.

I try to summarize what I have read so far on the internet, most information regards Debian Edu lenny, though. My concerns are NOT Debian lenny!!!! I always refer to the future setup of Debian Edu squeeze in this mail!!!

If Tjener is main server only:
o the PXE installer (a Skolelinux installation bootstrap available via PXE) is
    offered to any machine that boots on the 10-network via PXE.

    - is the PXE installer really offered to any machine???
    - is there a concept of protecting workstations from PXE installation
      (password hash for individual boot options) in the default Skolelinux

If Tjener is main server _and_ LTSP server:
o the PXE installer (a Skolelinux installation bootstrap available via PXE) is
    offered to any machine that boots on the 10-network via PXE
  o to machines in the 10-network that are in LDAP also a diskless workstation
    LTSP profile is offered
  o to machines in the 192-network only the thin client profile is offered

    - can I also boot thin clients in the 10-network (again, I am asking for
      the current defaults)? I am asking as I found some information that
      raised that statement...

Tjener is main server, LTSP server is separate...
This is the actual question I have: the boot prompt offered to a machine booting via PXE results from dhcpd config. Dhcpd config is stored in LDAP.

  o I have a tjener that offers PXE Debian Edu installer...
  o and I have an LTSP server that offers Diskless Workstations to the
  o How can are these different functionalities controlled? (with GOsa?)
  o Which PXE boot prompts (install Debian Edu via PXE, Thin Client, Diskless
    Workstation) are available in which subnets?

Again, I am asking for the current Skolelinux squeeze defaults (that might already have been the defaults in Debian Edu lenny).

Note: I have scanned the debian-edu SVN repos, but did not really find answers to the above questions. Unfortunately, I have not time to test this before next Monday, myself. However, on Monday I plan to speak about Skolelinux to a couple of people and only lately I have stumbled over the above aspects that are not yet quite clear to me.

Hope that someone has some experience on that...



mike gabriel, dorfstr. 27, 24245 barmissen
fon: +49 (4302) 281418, fax: +49 (4302) 281419

GnuPG Key ID 0xB588399B
mail: mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de, http://das-netzwerkteam.de


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