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Re: Changes to the DVD when debian-cd pull in all recommended packages...

2010/10/26 Petter Reinholdtsen <pere@hungry.com>

I have patched debian-cd to get it to recursively include recommended
packages when asked to included recommended packages, to try to make
sure the DVD and the netinst installation will install the same set of
packages.  As expected, this added quite a lot of new packages, and
pushing out some other packages we have on our list of wanted
I may already have asked this, but can't we have a DVD for GNOME, a KDE one, and a "all_the_others_DM"  one ?
Is there a technical/manpower issue to this ?
In real life, do we have installations mixing several desktop managers ?
The more the archive is growing, the less options you'll have to fit all on one media. Or just wait everybody to get their own blue-ray drive :-)

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