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Re: Is the OID reserved with Uninett?

[Anders Lund]
> Sorry, realized now that my answer was given in Norwegian and not in
> English. To summarize:

No problem. :)

> * This OID is probably reserved a long time ago, but not been added to
> our internal OID registry. I've now added this OID
> ( to http://drift.uninett.no/nett/ip-nett/oids.html
> * Changed contact from Stig to drift@uninett.no.

Thank you.  This of course do not answer the thing I wondered about,
which was if the dnsdomain2 author had remembered to reserver this OID
with Uninett or not.  Anyway, now it is reservered, and the issue is
mostly academic. :)

Btw, would uninett be willing to maintain and publish a schema file
with the DNS attributes as described on
<URL: http://bind9-ldap.bayour.com/dnszonehowto.html >?  The reason I

ask is that the lack of a common schema file with the DNS record
attributes casues the existing schemas to be incompatible with each
other.  To give you an example of what I am talking about, notice this
quote from
<URL: http://www.linuxnetworks.de/doc/index.php/PowerDNS_LDAP_Backend/Migration >:

  Unfortunately, both schemas (dnsdomain2 and dnszone) share the same
  record types and use the same OIDs so the LDAP server can't use
  both schemas at the same time.

This is caused by the two schemas using the same attributes with the
same oids (which is a good thing), but storing them in two different
files causes openldap to reject using both schemas.

I would be happy to create a draft schema file based on the dns
attributes in use by the dnsdomain2 an dnszone object classes.

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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