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Re: Draft script to migrate LDAP entries from Etch to Lenny

[Oded Naveh]
> Hi, perhaps the wiki page on Etch upgrade to Lenny would help,
> though kind of the other way around.
> http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Documentation/Lenny/Upgrades

Yes, it helps. :)

Here is a second draft.  Still untested, but now able to add the
missing LDAP attributes and handle more objectclasses.

# Script to migrate LDAP objects from a Debian Edu Etch database to an
# Lenny database.
# The user and group objects in Etch and Lenny are identical, so no
# editing is required to migrate these.
# http://quark.humbug.org.au/publications/ldap/ldap_tut.html
# http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Status/Lenny/SambaLDAP

use strict;
use warnings;

use Net::LDAP;
use Data::Dumper;

my $etchserver = "localhost";
my $lennyserver = "";

my $base = "dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no";
my $manager = "cn=admin,ou=People,$base";
my $password = 'secret';

my $uid = "test";

my $ldapetch = Net::LDAP->new($etchserver)
    or die "Can't bind to ldap server $etchserver: $!\n";

my $ldaplenny;
if ($lennyserver) {
    $ldaplenny = Net::LDAP->new($lennyserver)
	or die "Can't bind to ldap: $!\n";
		     dn       => $manager,
		     password => $password,

migrate_users($ldapetch, $ldaplenny);
migrate_groups($ldapetch, $ldaplenny);
migrate_netgroups($ldapetch, $ldaplenny);
migrate_automounts($ldapetch, $ldaplenny);

$ldaplenny->unbind if $ldaplenny;

sub copy_ldap_objects {
    my ($ldapetch, $ldaplenny, $ldapfilter, $filterfunc) = @_;

    my($mesg) = $ldapetch->search( base => $base, filter => $ldapfilter);

    $mesg->code && die $mesg->error;

    foreach my $entry ($mesg->all_entries) {
#	print Dumper($entry);

	my $dn = $entry->dn;

	my $filter = "(&($ldapfilter)(dn=$dn))";
#	print "F: $filter $dn\n";

	if ($filterfunc) {

	if ($ldaplenny) {
	    my $mesg = $ldaplenny->search( base => $base, filter => $filter);
	    my $exist = 0 < $mesg->count;
	    if (!$exist) {
		print "Want to add LDAP object:\n";
		my $result = $entry->update($ldaplenny);
		$result->code && warn "failed to add entry: ", $result->error;
	    } else {
		print "Object for $dn exist, not adding\n";
	} else {


# Transform user objects for etch->lenny upgrade
sub migrate_user {
    my $objref = shift;

    # Make sure user objects with objectClass=sambaSamAccount have a
    # sambaPwdLastSet value with content > 0.
    my %add =
	 'sambaBadPasswordCount' => 0,
	 'sambaBadPasswordTime' => 0,
	 'sambaKickoffTime' => 0,
	 'sambaLogoffTime' => 0,
	 'sambaLogonTime' => 0,
	 'sambaPasswordHistory' => '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
	 'sambaPwdCanChange' => 0,
	 'sambaPwdLastSet' => 1,
	 'sambaPwdMustChange' => 0,
    if (my @classes = $objref->get_value('objectClass')) {
	foreach my $objectclass (@classes) {
	    if (lc('sambaSamAccount') eq lc($objectclass)) {
		for my $key (keys %add) {
		    my $lastset = $objref->get_value($key);
		    if ( ! $lastset ) {
			$objref->add($key, $add{$key});
		    } elsif (0 == $lastset  ) {
			$objref->replace($key, $add{$key});

sub migrate_users {
    my ($ldapetch, $ldaplenny) = @_;
    copy_ldap_objects($ldapetch, $ldaplenny, '(objectclass=posixAccount)',

sub migrate_groups {
    my ($ldapetch, $ldaplenny) = @_;
    copy_ldap_objects($ldapetch, $ldaplenny, '(objectclass=posixGroup)');
sub migrate_netgroups {
    my ($ldapetch, $ldaplenny) = @_;
    copy_ldap_objects($ldapetch, $ldaplenny, '(objectclass=nisNetgroup)');
sub migrate_automounts {
    my ($ldapetch, $ldaplenny) = @_;
    copy_ldap_objects($ldapetch, $ldaplenny, '(objectclass=automount)');

I very much welcome feedback on the approach.

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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