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Re: Changes to the DVD when debian-cd pull in all recommended packages...

[Olivier Vitrat]
> I may already have asked this,

If you did, I suspect you already got this answer.

> but can't we have a DVD for GNOME, a KDE one, and a
> "all_the_others_DM" one ?  Is there a technical/manpower issue to
> this ?

It is mostly for logistical reasons.  It is easier to distribute one
DVD, and to create its associated source DVD.  Each ISO need testing
and man-power to set up the build.  The more ISOs we create, the more
work someone need to spend on them.

> In real life, do we have installations mixing several desktop
> managers ?

I have no idea, and it is not relevant for the choice of only making a
limited set of ISOs.

> The more the archive is growing, the less options you'll have to fit
> all on one media. Or just wait everybody to get their own blue-ray
> drive :-)

Well, given that we install heaps of packages dupliating each others
functionallity, I believe we can do much by just dropping unwated
packages.  See the end of
<URL: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Status/Squeeze >.

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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