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Pledge for funding to the Gnash project to get AVM2 support

<URL: http://people.skolelinux.org/pere/blog/Pledge_for_funding_to_the_Gnash_project_to_get_AVM2_support.html >:

Pledge for funding to the Gnash project to get AVM2 support

The Gnash project is the most promising solution for a Free Software
Flash implementation. It has done great so far, but there is still far
to go, and recently its funding has dried up. I believe AVM2 support
in Gnash is vital to the continued progress of the project, as more
and more sites show up with AVM2 flash files.

To try to get funding for developing such support, I have started a
pledge with the following text:

    "I will pay 100$ to the Gnash project to develop AVM2 support but
    only if 10 other people will do the same."

    - Petter Reinholdtsen, free software developer

    Deadline to sign up by: 24th December 2010

    The Gnash project need to get support for the new Flash file
    format AVM2 to work with a lot of sites using Flash on the
    web. Gnash already work with a lot of Flash sites using the old
    AVM1 format, but more and more sites are using the AVM2 format
    these days. The project web page is available from
    http://www.getgnash.org/ . Gnash is a free software implementation
    of Adobe Flash, allowing those of us that do not accept the terms
    of the Adobe Flash license to get access to Flash sites.

    The project need funding to get developers to put aside enough
    time to develop the AVM2 support, and this pledge is my way to try
    to get this to happen.

    The project accept donations via the OpenMediaNow foundation,
    http://www.openmedianow.org/?q=node/32 .

I hope you will support this effort too. I hope more than 10 people
will participate to make this happen. The more money the project gets,
the more features it can develop using these funds. :)

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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