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Further findings on Print quotas // Re: Pykota

Am Freitag, 1. Juni 2007 schrieb laget sebastiaan:
> I was wondering if anyone on the list has experience with print quota or 
> Pykota in a debian edu environment.

Still wondering...

Searching the web, brought me to these further projects for print quotas
- JasMine, PaperCut (mentioned before)
- a webmin module for print quotas, named pqadmin:
- Cups itself using PageLimit, KLimit, QuotaPeriod etc. - cf.
- iserv based on Debian lenny offers a commercial print-module:
  http://iserv.eu/doc/manual/modules/print/ for German schools

Also, it becomes clear that there are three types of print accounting:

A. Limit of Printings per Time Period (like 10 per day, 100 per year)
B. Prepaid/Bonus: An individual balance. Mostly rechargable.
C. Print now, pay later: Mere logging amounts of pages 

A. seems to be feasible with CUPs > 1.2
B. needs somebody how does the charging!
C. is most simple and done by many net printers internally, but
   prone to present bad surprieses when billing...

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