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Re: LWAT and the length of usernames

Hello Martin,

Martin Schulte schrieb am 31.03.2010 18:03:
> Hello,
> trying to add some users using LWAT I saw, the maximum length of a
> username is set to 8 characters. So, i don't think this is a homage  to
> DOS, but is there a reason for this? Or is it possible to change it. I
> look around the /etc/lwat/config.php but nothing to find.

you can "configure" the maximum allowed length of an username by
patching /usr/share/lwat/web/functions.php. Have a look at the changes
made by me to allow 16 chars long usernames. I have not detected any
negative side effects since I made this change nearly a year ago.

feltel@tjener:/usr/share/lwat/web$ diff -u functions.php functions.php~
--- functions.php	2010-03-09 07:20:10.000000000 +0100
+++ functions.php~	2010-03-09 07:20:10.000000000 +0100
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
     $minPwUpper = 1 ;
     $minPwLower = 1 ;
     $minPwNumber = 1 ;
-    $uname_maxlen = 16 ;
+    $uname_maxlen = 8 ;
     $allowPwSet = false ;
     $smarty_templ = realpath ("../templates") ;
     $smarty_compile = "/var/spool/lwat" ;


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