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The number of Lenny installations just passed Etch installations

I am happy to report that the number of Lenny installations is
increasing at a rapid pace, according to
<URL:http://popcon.skolelinux.org/>, and the number of Lenny
installations have now passed Etch installations.  The numbers are
still small, but given that LTSP clients (neither thin nor diskless
workstation) can report to popcon.skolelinux.org, this is not very

Just for fun, here are the installation counts for the education-*
packages, indicating how many of each machine profile is reporting to
popcon (used GET 'http://popcon.skolelinux.org/main/by_inst'|grep
education-|cut -c7-42).

education-tasks                  182
education-common                 176
education-networked              158
education-astronomy              140
education-graphics               140
education-chemistry              139
education-desktop-kde            139
education-geography              139
education-mathematics            139
education-physics                139
education-language               138
education-misc                   137
education-music                  137
education-electronics            136
education-logic-games            136
education-workstation            133
education-desktop-other          131
education-thin-client-server      96
education-main-server             83
education-menus                   76
education-standalone              30
education-desktop-gnome           10
education-laptop                  10
education-desktop-sugar            3
education-thin-client              2
education-development              1
education-services                 1

Hm, perhaps we should get rid of education-development and

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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