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Re: rosegarden

Am Montag, 25. Januar 2010 schrieb Petter Reinholdtsen:
> qsynth and rosegarden in that order and not having to
> select the sound font manually to get any sound.

In former time I used to set up timidity for that purpose to be started 
with the system. It needs no GUI and can take soundfonts as well, 
providing an ALSA sequencer device. So it might be questioned if qsynth 
should be the default software-synth.

> Perhaps someone can convince the qsynth authors to select the first
> and only available sound font automatically when started for the
>  first time, if there is ony one?  It would make the whole experience
>  slightly better.

There should be a way using "bridging" packages:

qsynth suggests qsynth-fluid-soundfont-gm depending on 
fluid-soundfont-gm (and qsynth) and configuring qsynth to use fluid-
soundfont-gm by default. Likewise there could be alternative bridging 
packages for other important soundfonts.

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