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Summary from the irc meeting 2009-07-01 and date of next irc meeting

Beginning of the meeting: 19:05 UTC (21:05 CEST) 2009-07-01
Attendees: Petter Reinholdtsen, Ronny Aasen, Daniel Hess,
           Klaus Ade Johnstad, Jürgen Leibner, Praveen Arimbrathodiyil
	   and Arnt Ove Gregersen

Full log:


    1. Who moderates the meeting and who writes the summary?
    2. Lenny status ([1])
    3. debconf9 plans?
    4. other business?
    5. Next meeting?


1. Who moderates the meeting and who writes the summary?
   Ronny moderates the meeting and Daniel will write the summary.

2. Lenny status
   Some reports about recently done test installations are given.

   * Autopartitioning in barebone profile
     Petter noticed that autopartitioning does not work in the
     "barebone" profile. Ronny checked the 97minimal recipe that is
     missing an entry for /boot.

   * LDAP setup
     Because of the recent bug #1362 ([2]) it is discussed if slapd is
     not started after test installs, but nobody has seen this problem

   * Installation of ltspserver-profile stops
     Klaus has installed several ltsp-servers with the netinstall.
     Everything looks fine there but the ltsp-server does not work from
     the DVD: bug #1354 ([3])

   * CD Build using D-I 5.0.2
     Daniel rises the question if our images are already using D-I from
     5.0.2. Ronny expects them do so, and recent test install did not
     show the bug #1315 ([4]) problem.

   * Graphical D-I
     Petter reports that working on the Debian and Ubuntu boot system
     last week. He was told, that Ubuntu dropped the graphical D-I
     because of usability issues. Daniel says, that he did not had
     problems with the graphical D-I. Nobody else is using the graphical
     D-I for test installs currently, so it is agreed to default the PXE
     installer to the text installer to be consistent with the default
     on the CD and DVD boot menu.

   * LWAT
     Ronny asks if anyone tested if LWAT includes all features needed now.
     Some of the required features/things to test are:
     - Admin DHCP
       - Mange DNS entries for machines added/removed
     - Admin DNS
       - Mange DNS entries for machines added/removed
       - Mange SRV records (e.g. for tweaking mail records to use
	 municipality mail server and change post office, or configuring
	 a dedicated webcache)
     - What happens on a non-default IP range?
     - Mass machine imports
     Jürgen raises the question if we are going to provide a LDAP
     upgrade/migrate script. Daniel reports that he is currently working
     on script to update the Samba records in LDAP to contain new
     attributes.  It may be possible to extend the script, once running,
     to a full update script.
     Jürgen mentions, that it may be possible to modify LDAP so that
     different Windows versions would use different storage areas for
     profile data. This would make using different Windows versions in
     parallel more easy.

4. Debconf9 plans
   No news here

5. Any other business
   Jürgen asks if beta.slx.no should be remove. It was a testcase in
   February 2008 and not used since then. Ronny agrees that it should be
   removed then.

   Klaus mentions, that expert mode asks a lot more questions in Lenny
   than it Etch. Ronny reports, that the changed debconf_priority to
   high from critical is the cause for that, and required to not lose
   important question during very early boot. Klaus uses the "remote
   install using ssh" feature from the expert menu.

   Praveen reports, that the state of Kerala (India) is already using a
   own custom Debian distribution called IT@School GNU/Linux in all of
   its schools. Their neighboring state Karnataka is also starting its
   ICT@School project with GNU/Linux. He further reports, that they are
   starting the initial phase of training, and have chosen
   Skolelinux/Debian Edu as a base, to "tap into the excellent work that
   has been happening". They need to have support for input methods,
   fonts and translations for the Kannada language. The current version
   of IT@School is available from [5].

5. Next meeting?
   This point was skipped during the meeting, but shortly afterwards there
   was a small consensus about the date of the next meeting:

   The next meeting is on Wednesday, the 12th August 19:00 UTC
   (21:00 CEST) at #debian-edu on irc.debian.org.

1: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Status/Lenny
2: http://bugs.skolelinux.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1362
3: http://bugs.skolelinux.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1354
4: http://bugs.skolelinux.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1315
5: http://support.space-kerala.org/wiki/index.php/Download_IT@School_GNU/Linux

End of the meeting: 20:10 UTC (22:10 CEST)

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