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Missing Ldap entries? Thin client problem?


should I send someone that can upload data a ldif file with
the missing ldap entries for static00 ....? So that they match
with the dhcp entries in ldap?

I think the data for the thin client server must go back to the
thin client server. Because we can not put more than one mac into 
one ldap entry. 
A other solution is not use the same IPs and same names for the thin
clients. Or use more complex ldap entries with thin-client-server name
in the entries.
I think the solution with different names and IPs is the best but maybe
a lot of work.  

I think ldap entries like that will do it for the 10er net. I will
prepare this for all static ... hosts if someone upload. 

dn: dc=static00,dc=intern,ou=hosts,dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no
objectclass: top
objectclass: dnsdomain
objectclass: domainrelatedobject
dc: static00
associateddomain: static00.intern


objectclass: top
objectclass: dnsdomain2
objectclass: domainrelatedobject
dc: 50
ptrrecord: static00.intern

bye Andreas

PS: I have a working lenny tjener and lenny workstation in qemu/kvm.
I hope that someone upload the new syn lwat so that we can check if
it can create/update dhcp ldap entries.

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