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Use case: Testing Skolelinux on virtual machines


I've done some testing of the guides for testing Skolelinux on virtual 
machines presented on this page: 
1. http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/HowTo/TestCDinstall

The guide  just partly work on Kubuntu. I'm able to install and run a 
combi-server (main server, thin client sever). But a thin client don't 
start according to the guide. This may stop users on testing Skolelinux 
when they don't got hardware at hand (router/firewall, 2 x network 
switches, test-server and thin client server). 

My suggestion is to improve and update the guides, making users of 
Skolelinux test it on their laptop or home computer with a dhcp network. 
They should be able to do so without reading many suggestions on making 
network bridges, dummy network etc. 

Suggestions on initial conditions and test configurations: 

An Debian Lenny or Ubuntu 9.10 install (or later) on a private computer 
with dhcp network (where we can make an exception for static networks). 

The user can choose between virtualbox, kvm or qemu. The guide got the 
same test network commendation, IP addresses. 

Test config 1a: The user can choose to test combiserver (main + thin 
client sever) on one virtual machine and 1+n thin clients on an 1+n 
virtual machines. 

Test config 1b: The user can run a combiserver with a cirtual machine 
running diskless client on 1+n virtual machines. 

Test config 1a+1b. 

Test config 2: The user can run main server on a separate virtual 
machine, thin client server on an other virtual machine and thin clients 
and diskless clients (almost as 1a+1b). 

What's also needs are: 

1. Short guide on how to report bugs at the TestCDinstall page. 
2. Short guide how to get access to logs and screen dumps 
   as easy as possible. This makes it easier making 
   accurate bug reports. 
3. Test scripts to run for automatic setup and running the different 
   test configs :)

I'll see 1 and 2 as mandatory documentation. 
Suggestion 3 is just a wish :)

Best regards

Knut Yrvin

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