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Re: Test of LTSP diskless workstation - boots after 5 min 55 sec

[Ole-Anders Andreassen]
> Booting my diskless workstations takes nearly 6 minutes.
> 		    Start after
> Power on		00:00
> PXE strarts		00:20
> Installer screen	00:29
> DebianEdu splash	00:35
> unsupported acer_wmi	02:21
> ..text scrolling.. 	05:33
> KDM logon		05:55

To debug this, I believe bootchart is the most useful tool.  Make sure
/var/log/ is writable on the client, install bootchart and modify the
PXE configuration to use init=/sbin/bootchartd to enable bootchart
during boot.  It will give you a file in /var/log/ with all the
details of the boot and make it possible to figure out what is using
the time during boot.

An alternative would be to boot with nosplash as a kernel argument and
remove 'quiet' from the kernel arguments, to get more information on
what is going on during boot.

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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