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Re: OCS inventory

El sáb, 28-03-2009 a las 14:45 +0100, Luk Claes escribió:
> Hi
> I heard that Linex is using OCS inventory. We want to also use it for 
> Debian Edu, though we have some issue [0] [1]: the OCS inventory server 
> is not installed properly and the client does not automatically know how 
> to connect to the server.
> Instead of reinventing the wheel, I want to ask you: How are you doing 
> this in Linex?
> Cheers
> Luk
> [0] http://bugs.skolelinux.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1332
> [1] http://bugs.debian.org/489461

Yes, we're using it since a couple of years ago. But, for these bugs I
can not give new solutions because of the architecture we're using:

For the clients, we're using the Debian package, with some preseeds. One
of the preseeds adds the school name to the tag info of the client.

But, for the server, we're using only one server for all our secondary
schools. This server, located inside our intranet, collects the data
from all the secondary school pc in the region, currently more than
50.000 machines, and it was setup manually, from the ocs inventory
project sources.

There're are two main reasons to do it that way:
- The inventory is linked to another application: GLPI [1] that's used
by our call-center. The call-center is being managed by an external
company, and that company need to make changes in the glpi sources (to
add multicenter support), so we let them do all the server stuff.
- At that time, there was not a Debian package for the server.

So, I'm afraid that our setup doesn't give possible solutions to the
skolelinux bug, and we haven't tested the new package from experimental.
If you need more data, feel free to ask.

José L.

[1] http://glpi-project.org/

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