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main+ltsp i386-CD700 test install

i did a test install, and it basically worked...

here's the results of the installed partitions on a main+ltsp install from the
install CD earlier today:

this was with a 14G disk- i haven't tried a smaller disk yet.

output of df -m:

Filesystem           1M-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                           473        95       354  22% /
/dev/hda1                  183        22       151  13% /boot
                          1327       507       754  41% /opt
                           607        17       560   3% /skole/backup
                           823        17       765   3% /skole/tjener/home0
                          5469      4562       630  88% /usr
                          2119      1716       296  86% /var
                          1178        34      1084   4% /var/opt/ltsp/swapfiles
                           607        33       543   6% /var/spool/squid

both /var and /usr at 86+% seems a little higher than you might want for a
typical install, though i suspect a typical install will have larger than a 14G
drive.  about 1300M+ was in /var/cache/apt, as i used the i386-CD700 for the
install, and it downloaded a lot of packages from the network mirrors.

fsautoresize didn't have to kick in, at least.

output of lvs --unit m:

  LV                     VG        Attr   LSize    Origin Snap%  Move Log Copy%  Convert
  opt                    vg_system -wi-ao 1348.00M                                      
  root                   vg_system -wi-ao  488.00M                                      
  skole+backup           vg_system -wi-ao  616.00M                                      
  skole+tjener+home0     vg_system -wi-ao  836.00M                                      
  swap_1                 vg_system -wi-ao  732.00M                                      
  usr                    vg_system -wi-ao 5556.00M                                      
  var                    vg_system -wi-ao 2152.00M                                      
  var+opt+ltsp+swapfiles vg_system -wi-ao 1196.00M                                      
  var+spool+squid        vg_system -wi-ao  616.00M                                      

the filesystem overhead took a noticeable amount of space ... with /usr,
compare 5556 (lvm) to 5469 (mounted filesystem).

looked like the CD was missing about 15M of packages to install ltsp without
pulling stuff from the network, but some of those may be recommends only, and
it might actually install LTSP without them.

live well,

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