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Re: ltspserver specs?

El jue, 12-03-2009 a las 21:59 +0900, nigel barker escribió:
> what specs are people using for 15 or 20 thin clients nowadays?
> I am very unhappy with my most recent dual core servers which perform much
> worse than the really old p4 and athlon boxes that I still have running.
> I need to replace those old machines before they die and I don't want to
> keep getting worse performance. What do I need?

I'm using quad core servers with 8 gb ram. But the cpu is boring and I
use to have 4 gb of free RAM. THe key is in the network card: I'm using
gigaethernet cards on a PCI express x4 bus.

With current oo, firefox, kpdf or evince versions and the multimedia
requirements of the teachers and students, the problem uses to be in the
network connection betweeen the server and the clients. My clients have
100 mbps cards, but the server has the 1 Gbps card (btw, 1 Gb ethernet
card on a standard pci bus only gives you 320 Mbps, so if you want a
real 1 Gbps output, you'll have to use (at least) pci express x4 buses
in your servers.

In my opinion that's the most important feature you should look for your
servers. I have deployed 3120 ltsp servers in the last three months, so
I think I have some evidences of it ;)

José L. 

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