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Volunter for helping Celestia into Lenny?

One of the really nice free software applications used in schools
today is Celestia.  It is a 3D simulation of the universe, represented
with its stars and planets.  Screen shots etc are available from
<URL: http://www.shatters.net/celestia/ >.

This package is missing in Lenny.  It is also missing in Etch and
Sarge.  It was present in Woody, but has been held out of the stable
release because of a license issue.  The maintainer need help clearing
the copyright issue.  The Debian status is available from
<URL: http://packages.qa.debian.org/c/celestia.html >, the the BTS
report in question is <URL: http://bugs.debian.org/174456 >.

Are there any volunteers to help the maintainer solving the issue?  It
is mostly a communication task, tracking down who to ask to have the
license of various pieces of the package clarified.  The Celestia
package is one of the few really good educational packages missing in
Lenny, and this is the reason I want us to focus on it.  According to
<URL:http://popcon.skolelinux.org>, it is installed in 7% of the
population, and used last week in 0.6% of the population.

Cc to the maintainer, to make him aware of this request.

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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