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Skolelinux / Debian Edu application of the week?

One idea to make more people aware of the large amount of user space
applications available in Skolelinux / Debian Edu, is to publish a
news letter with "Application of the week", with information about a
new application including screen shots and simple usage information.
It could be something like "Debian Package of the Day", but with focus
on applications for schools.

See <URL:http://debaday.debian.net/> for Debian Package of the Day.
Some candidates would be

 - KOrganizer
 - FireFox / Icewasel
 - OpenOffice.org
 - Stopmotion
 - Rosegarden
 - GCompris
 - gtablix
 - Tuxpaint
 - KTuberling
 - KSnapshot
 - KMail
 - KTouch
 - Kalzium
 - Stellarium

It is probably a good idea to use the ranking on
<URL:http://popcon.skolelinux.org/> to see what kind of applications
have many users.

I would very much like to see such newsletter translated to our most
used languages (Norwegian, German, Spanish, French?) to make sure the
teachers can gain access to the information without having to use

Any volunteers to write this?  It should be published on the web and
probably also sent to journalists and others interested that should
learn about the nice user applications included in Skolelinux / Debian
Edu.  Perhaps we should use
<URL:http://lists.debian.org/debian-edu-announce/> for this?

I suspect the wiki might be a good location to publish the content.
The content probably also could be merged into the Linux signpost
(Spisekartet), ref

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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