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Re: Problem with new install

Jürgen Leibner wrote:
Am Samstag, 5. Juli 2008 schrieb Frederik:
Hi group,

Hi Frederik.

I'm new to Skolelinux and not exactly experienced in the linux world
as such. My networking skills are very limited, so i hope you'll all
bear with me.

No problem.

I have downloaded debian-edu-etch-i386-netinst-3.0r1.iso
I have a HP G4 server with to NICs.

During install i hooked nic 1 up to my home router wich runs dhcp and
deals out addresses in the 192.168.1.x range. All worked smooth. I
choose the Server, Workstation (Client?), and Thin Client profiles
during setup.

You choosed all that profiles for installing on the server?
With Thin Client profile you mean the Terminalserver profile, right?
Using a different computer i changed my router to have ip
and NOT provide dhcp, since dhcp will now be provided by the server.


I can now PXE boot on nic2 (eth1 i presume) which is great.
I can access home drive, server web pages, run various programs on
both pxe client and server.

I cannot, however, access the internet i any way.

My questions are:
- What should i do?

What you have done, ask here? ;-)

- Could i use the server on the 10.0.2.x network via nic1 (static ip
but dhcp running on router) while dealing out 192.168.1.x addresses
to my thin clients on nic2?


- How can i isolate the problem? (dhcp? netmask? squid?)

First you should try to ping on tjener a host you are knowing it is up and running on internet with it's IP-address, not with it's hostname.

Example:(IP of www.google.de)
root@tjener:~# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=245 time=84.9 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=245 time=91.6 ms
--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 2008ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 84.967/88.092/91.647/2.754 ms

If that looks like shown above, you should edit the file /etc/bind/debian-edu/named.conf.options on tjener and put in an official Domain Name Servers IP from your InternetServiceProvider. Therefore in that file is a forwarder example which tells you how to do. (You may see it in the /etc/resolv.conf of a host getting its IP from your router via DHCP)

I hope someone out there will help - this would make a lot of kids
happy :)

Hopefully this helps.

Greetings from Germany, Jürgen Leibner

Is there any way to configure my external environment so that skolelinux will work out of the box?
vh Frederik

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