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help with skim

Can anyone help me get Japanese input working on English workstations and ltspservers?

I have installed the following plus dependencies:

and locale ja_JP.UTF8

then followed the instructions about setting up environment variables at:

http://www.scim-im.org/wiki/documentation/installation_and _configuration/all/system_configuration

but nothing happens.
The skim menu is empty when I click the tray icon.

I am a bit surprised how involved this is. Last year when I used Gnome on Skolelinux 2, it was simply a matter of installing a panel applet.

(I have attacked the problem from the opposite side, trying to convert a Japanese workstation install into English locale, but OOo (and possibly other GTK apps) stubbornly remain in Japanese, even after a lot of fiddling and posting on LQ, etc. Now its too late anyway - I have many English workstations)



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