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Haunted // Re: Extremadura-Meeting: Report from Andreas Tille

Am Montag 07 April 2008 schrieb Andreas Tille:
>  The mysterious knocking noise. ;-)

Hi Andreas,

thank you for your interesting report - not only for the weather it was 
a pitty that my easter break finished a week a ago, so there was no 
chance to attend.

Now, this is puzzling, but luckily there were some medical scientists in 
the track! I wonder...:

>      As partipiciants of the meeting know we had some strange
> knocking noise in the meeting room.  I was corious about this and
> started some statistica about the frequence of these noises and the
> number "booms".  Some people tried to make fun of myself claiming
> that I would be the only one who had heard this.  But I can assure
> you that my wife is perfectly living and I have clear evidence that
> others heard it as well and we have even recordings done with OLPC.

Is there samples of the sound? Could you compare its loudness to other 
sounds (wouldn't expect a dBA value)? Especially, when you were able to 
anticipate the next knocking: Could you determine any directions? What 
was the meeting room alike? Wooden walls? The interval of exactly 10 
minutes points to a technical source, like a clockwork or even some 
heating/climate turning on/off. A water pump? What kind of building 
were you in?

Take this story to the rainbow press - and slashdot will follow ;)

Kind regards

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