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Bug#467650: debian-edu: Downloads things, does not clean up after itself.

[Kurt Roeckx]
> It seems that apt downloads things from a debian mirror and puts it in
> "../tmp".

Yes.  It is part of the purpose of the package.

> There are a few problems with this:
> - It's missing a build dependency on apt, which isn't part of
>   essential + build essential.

Good point.  Need to be fixed.

> - Since you download things, the sources aren't available for it,
>   so I don't see how you comply with the DFSG.  (Or I have no
>   idea why you download things.)

The package check if there is net, and if there is net it download the
list of packages available from the debian repository of choice and
uses this information to filter the priority of the list of wanted
packages to generate tasksel tasks and meta packages (packages with
only dependencies).  As the list of available packages differ over
time, as well as differ from architecture to architecture, the
generated package lists are supposed to reflect this.  It is the
purpose of this package.

If there is no net, it uses the package lists it generated the last
time it was built.  At least that is the intention.  Not sure if it
has been tested the last few years. :)

> - Since it's not put in the build dir, it doesn't get cleaned up.

This should be fixed too.

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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