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Switching to DVD for Debian Edu

After months of discussion and contemplation, I've come to realise
that I believe debian-edu is best served by switching to shipping a
DVD image.  The reason is that we have spent too much time fighting
the 700 MiB size limit, and too little time working on the user

Concentrating on the DVD will force or to focus on the selection of
user application and how they appear on the desktop, as well as the
set of services we provide out of the box, instead of struggelig with
getting rid of the less-used packages.  We will still have to work on
keeping the menu short, to avoid overloading pupils and teachers with
too many options.  We will have to adjust the package lists and
partition tables to adjust for more packages being installed.

Comments, protests?

I do not own any DVD burder myself, so I will be unable to create the
install medium myself.  Is this a problem for more then me?

Petter Reinholdtsen
Skolelinux system architect

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